Bacem tofu can be friends any time to enjoy this hari.sajian daily menu in addition to being pelengk ...
- 5 pieces ofwhite tofu (cut to taste)
- 250 grams oftempe (cut to taste)
- 3 pieces ofbay leaves
- 2 cmgalangal (crushed)
- 3 tablespoonswater tamarind
- 1 stalklemongrass (geprek)
- 2 tablespoonsbrown sugar
- 1 tbspwhite sugar (to taste counterweight)
- 1 tablespoonsalt / to taste
- Ground spices :
- 5 grainsof red onion
- 3 grainsof garlic
- 1 tspcoriander powder
- 1/2 tspturmeric powder
- the oil for frying
- Boil spices, water input tofu and tempeh, bay leaves, galangal and lemongrass Until mendidih.masukan brown sugar, salt, tamarind water, sugar putih.masak to infuse it with fire kecil.angkat .goreng know twmpe diminyak who already heated with fire being smpai kecoklatan.angkat, tiriskan.sajikan while warm.
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